We did some coupon shopping last night.. We hit up Target.. got:
Full Size Snuggle Fabric Softener 99 cents
Bic Disposable Shavers 59 cents
Dannon Yogurt 4 pack for 40 cents
snap, can't remember.
I took my husband and boys with me.. my stepkids went with their mom, so we decided to take a family trip to the store (which means they wait in the car while I go shop lol)
We WERE gonna head to McDonalds, but why waste money.. Jizzo put out the hamburger meat. We narrowed our dinner down to teriyaki burgers.. haven't had that in quite a LONG.TIME. Man I tell ya.. that ish was bomb!
Alrighty, long story short.. I had leftover teriyaki burgers and homemade (or close to it.. Nestle hehe) cookies.
Sorry, I tend to drift from story to story (because somehow one ties into the other, then it goes on and on and.. yeah, you know what I mean).
Here's lunch (yayuh!)

looks yummy ... ohhh how i would kill for one right now ..the burger that is .. ahahah ...
Good chatting it up with you today..I mean everyday bahahaha! Man um....Why didn't I get any of those yummy COOKIES! Luv you Myrna!
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