Here's a little glimpse at what my "desk" looks like. Right now my "office" is in the living room while I figure out how to create some space where I can put everything I have.
My desk looks messy, but really.. it's organized lol. I usually have everything put away nicely.. ok that was a fib.. it's always full of stuff.
My orders arrived for my Talofa Teine Jewelry customers.. so I am in the process of sorting orders and filling them, while adding more stock to my on hand inventory. I've already had some ladies pick their orders up (Thank you Sepa and Ula) and some on their way to grab theirs.

A side shot of my "desk" lol.. I've got coupon binders, uncut coupons, blank DVDs, my laptop, my phone hidden in there somewhere, orders filled, orders that need to be filled, defective items that need to be sent back, aaaaaand much much more!

I've got a lot on my plate nowadays.. not complaining.. just explaining LOL. It truly is overwhelming at times, but its still manageable.
Trying to get two businesses up and running (1 photography and 1 silver jewelry) plus working a full time job, being mommy to 7 crazy kids, wife to 1 crazy(er) man, sister to my siblings, and much more.. is a challenge, but one I welcome (or try to lol) with open arms. As the saying goes "I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it".
I am truly thankful to my husband..

(mind you he's gonna kill me when he sees this.. I added this last minute.. but what the hell.. you only live once lol)
who sometimes I think drives me insane (right?), but in actuality he keeps me sane by being my right hand man. I have a huge support group! My sisters in Utah, Cali, Hawaii, (Mufi are you in Thailand? lol), my parents, my kids, my close and best friends (love you guys!!), and of course all of you who actually take your time to read this.
Have a Happy Week! More to come later!
I'm so proud of you! I think it's great that you're doing so much. I don't know how you do it, but I'm glad you do! Keep up the great work!
Myrn, I love that you're blogging more. I feel like I'm getting to know you. :)
ohhhhh sis you are bold .. ahahah ... i know i wouldnt be able to post a pic of my desk!! ahahah
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