This is my son Cyrus, but everyone calls him Buddah. His Uncle Dennis gave him that name when he was a baby, because he was HUGE. Buddah weighed around 35+ pounds when he was 6 months old. The kid was already puttin away Happy Meals at six months. Thankfully, he outgrew his chubby baby stage, but the name has stuck. I think only kids at school and his teachers call him Cyrus. Sometimes we do a double take when someone calls out "Cyrus!" and forget that its Buddah's name lol.
Buddah has been playing football for three years now, and he excels at it. My husband and I thought it would do him some good to expand his horizons and try different sports. Yesterday was his first soccer game, and he looked so lost haha (granted though, he was very excited to play). Ok, not small kine lost.. like I-don't-think-I-belong-here lost. Long story short, they lost, and the rest of my kids were clownin on Buddah the whole way home lol.. cause thats just how we do! Just a glimpse at Buddah's game from yesterday:

1 comment:
awww u fat lard.. I missed your game... at least he's trying.. hahaha
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