Tuesday, April 19, 2011

And the winner is....

Thank you to ALL of those who entered!!! Here is our list:

And our winner (thank you random.org):

Congrats Vaoita! I will email you tomorrow :)

Thanks again to all those who entered!!

Alofa tele,


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fagaitua High School Senior Ball "A Teenage Dream" | Samoa Prom Photographer

I had the honor of being a part of Faga'itua High School's Senior Ball that they had last weekend. The theme was "A Teenage Dream".. and I tell ya.. the decorations  were to die for! The Grohse family did a fantabulous job (along with the helpers hehe) decorating.. It was pretty spectacular!

The night started with the Seniors walk and introduction.. and then the dance proceeded. It was truly an exciting night for me because it was my first time photographing any type of Prom/Ball. Needless to say I was nervous and having panic attacks.. hoping it would all go smoothly. I would say it went pretty good.. We got great feedback from people (whew) and I'm lucky enough to get a chance to do two more.. and both for Samoana. Here's a quick look from that night :)

Thank you again FHS Seniors.. It was truly a pleasure!



Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Session Giveaway - YAY

Sooooooo.. we hit over a 1,000 likes a little while ago.. and thought it would be nice to have a little giveaway to celebrate. I'm giving away a free session ($200 value) of your choice.. Whether it be for Senior portraits, Family, Bridal, Trash the Dress, etc.. What that includes is:

Disc of 20 images edited
1.5 hour session
2 outfit changes
Photo package: 1 8x10 2 5x7 and 16 wallets

To enter:

1. Leave me a comment on here (if you leave one on Facebook it won't count lol.. sorry!!)
2. Share the giveaway on Facebook, Twitter, and blog (if you have one)
3. Follow my blog.. Click on the Follow button over there ->

aaaaaaaaaaand that should do it :) You can submit your entry up to three times (1. commenting, 2. sharing the giveaway, and 3. Following). If you have any questions, please let me know.The contest ends Sunday night April 17th at 11:59PM Samoan time (about 5 AM MST). Good luck to you all and thanks for stopping by!!!

Na Levi - Samoana Class of 2011 | Samoa Senior Photographer

This is a preview of a shoot we did about a week and a half ago. Na's mom contacted me and wanted to do a shoot of her daughter graduating from Samoana. Needless to say, she is a natural beauty and she rocked the shoot. Just a peek at what we have from that day:



Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hi.. Remember me???

Soooo.. it's been like what.. 2 months? I know.. I suck at blogging.. I was looking through my photos and somehow it dawned on me.. Hello? Haven't posted for 2 months... I am.. that. awesome. K, not really..

It's kinda hard to upload even a 2 MB sized photo to photobucket because our superfast internet connection here in American Samoa (2 MB in US = 2 second upload.. 2 MB in AS = 20 minute upload). Thanks for bearing with me :)

I've been keeping busy.. I've had a few senior shoots and have been contracted to shoot Faga'itua High's Senior Ball as well as Samoana's Senior Ball in a few weeks.. After that, I have a few projects that I want to do.. and I guess we'll go on from there.. Here are some of the senior photos that I've already uploaded (not all, but some) and I'll post more later.. PROMISE!




I've got a couple more to post later when they're uploaded.. Have a great night!

