Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fagaitua High School Senior Ball "A Teenage Dream" | Samoa Prom Photographer

I had the honor of being a part of Faga'itua High School's Senior Ball that they had last weekend. The theme was "A Teenage Dream".. and I tell ya.. the decorations  were to die for! The Grohse family did a fantabulous job (along with the helpers hehe) decorating.. It was pretty spectacular!

The night started with the Seniors walk and introduction.. and then the dance proceeded. It was truly an exciting night for me because it was my first time photographing any type of Prom/Ball. Needless to say I was nervous and having panic attacks.. hoping it would all go smoothly. I would say it went pretty good.. We got great feedback from people (whew) and I'm lucky enough to get a chance to do two more.. and both for Samoana. Here's a quick look from that night :)

Thank you again FHS Seniors.. It was truly a pleasure!



1 comment:

Mena said...

Congrats Myrn,
They're awesome. I'm sure they all loved the upgrade too.