Thursday, December 23, 2010

3 A.M.

I am probably one of the worst bloggers. EVER. I try to blog when I can, but somehow it always escapes me (New Years Resolution?). Oddly enough, I LOVE to read other peoples blogs. They inspire me so much to keep moving forward and to become better.

So why am  I blogging at 3AM? Because I miss my babies.. I am 11,000 miles away from them..  and this will be our 1st Christmas apart. I miss them so badly it's starting to sink in.. and it's a horrible feeling. I'm so lucky to see them almost everyday on Skype, although I do miss hugging them, kissing them and maybe sometimes yelling at them to put the seat down lol.. I do find comfort in the fact that I'll be seeing them soon (hopefully by next month.. I haven't seen them since the beginning of November).. and I can't WAIT!

I still need to post the previews for the Mua wedding as well as the Sunia wedding.. I'll get it done this week (yes! I will!). I have so much more during the holiday before I can relax.

I miss you guys sooooooooooo much!!  See you very very very soon!!! *hugs*

1 comment:

TrishHavili said...

WELL HELLO there sis! Can't believe you've been there that long... that is a long time to be away from your babies =( You're such a hard worker! Love you Myrna!