We've been dancing around this session for some time.. some time = MONTHS lol.. Months of rescheduling, cancellations, etc etc.. Mitz is pretty busy.. I've got a somewhat hectic schedule.. but thankful we were able to get it done. YAY! Congratulations to the beautiful Mitz on her new promotion as Deputy AG for the American Samoa Government. There is one of her children missing (Helen).. but I'm sure we'll make up for it when she comes in December. Thank you Mitz, Lauren, Martin, Laseni & miss diva herself.. Marilyn..
Disclaimer: I wanna look this good when I'm *coughs* 21 LOL
Like Lauren said "Can I get a picture of me in the sand?" LOL fefe ia oe..
This kid is a straight up CLOWN lol
Love this family :)